At an unbeatable price
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Our packages are optimized to offer you the best products and services at affordable prices.
Standard Package
₹ 10,000 per outlet
Renewal ₹ 8000 per year
*The above pricing is for outlets located in India. International pricing will vary by location. Please contact us for outlets located outside India.
We provide the software services that you need to deliver experiences
that delight your customers.
POS Billing
PosWagon Billing, is an elegant and powerful cloud based point of sales application . It is built with, incredible high usable standards. The application is designed to serve customers and manage walk-in, dine-in, take-away or delivery orders instantly and it securely controls cashier operations.
Waiter App
Waiter can easily manage table orders and send KOT directly to the kitchen. Waiter can cancel items from previous orders also
kitchen display system
Kitchen Display Unit
PosWagon KDS organize the orders and increase communication speed between waiter and kitchen. KDS provides real time information on current walk-in, dine-in, take-away or delivery orders and helps to eliminate KOT mistakes. KDS allows to keep track on inventory level and pops up alert/notify on out of stock products. It restricts the waiter, taking instant orders from customers. This application is designed to serve on-line and off-line to improvise service efficiency.
Feedback App
It is a customer interactive app, which updates results in real time. This app is user friendly and designed for owners to draft their customer queries. Feedback results are updated instantly in owner app. A quick action can be taken to fix the issues and serve customers better.
Owner App
It is a simple and powerful mobile application for business owners. This application, tracks all stores in real time and provides information on sales and performance. It assists to manage the menu and price of all restaurants and delivery aggregators like Swiggy, Zomato,Talabat and Local delivery partners, under one single platform.
qr code
QSR Billing
Poswagon QSR billing allows you to perform quick billing with minimum clicks and print KOT in kitchen. You can eliminate long queues and minimize customer wait time
Online Order Integration
Poswagon has the feature of pre integration feature with third party online aggregators like Swiggy, Zomato, Dunzo and Talabat. Biller can accept/reject/modify online orders in billing screen itself. It can be directly directed to KOT/KDS. It also accepts, orders from your online website.
Recipe and Inventory
PosWagon application, has feature of production plan. This helps to create recipe for a fine product. Inventory of raw materials from stock will be reduced with respective recipe values of fine product. Wastages can also be predefined on production.
You may create your customer database by collecting very minimal details from your customers. Customers can be provided with loyalty cards/phone numbers can be treated as loyalty id. Points can be added on each purchases based on their bill value and can also be redeemed on eligibility. Value added points can also be defined on selective products of your choice.
Real Time Reporting and Analytics
A single dash board, which provides all required details for an owner. This provides live sales details and performance of each stores in detail.
Reports available on order cancellation, bill duplications, bill editing and also bill print history. All these features on one dash board for your convenience.
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  • Point of sale
  • Digital menu
  • Inventory managment
  • Recipe management
  • Kitchen display system
  • Reporting
  • Offlinemode
  • Feedback app